
Here I began piecing together the main design for the website. I continuously previewed the website in the software and using the web browser to determine whether or not the design fitted the entire page without appearing to be isolated or to over-sized.

After numerous different alternations to the design I eventually achieved a full-screen display of the design along with the navigation bar.


As you can see, here, I am in the ‘Master’ page where any added material applies to all other pages. I have imported a logo design into the software and, in this image, began re positioning it to wherever I believed it would look most professional. slide3

Here is the original structure of the pages on my site; Since then I have deleted pages which seemed unnecessary or derivatives of pre-existing pages. I have, somewhat, simplified the pages and made sure that each of them contains at least one piece of material, be it a video, an audio recording, a gallery or even text.slide4

Here is where I began working on the homepage where I would welcome the audience. I tried to keep everything simplified and not release too much about what would be featured on other pages.


Here you can clearly see the drop down menus visible within the navigation bar. Below the design continues to be developed.slide6

Here I continued to develop and re-position aspects of the house-style. You can see the logo is now stationed at the right-hand side of screen. This would be changed again later on in production.


Here I began adding in images which were work related. These were supplied by college themselves. slide8

Here I explain the first three media-based projects I took part in during the first term of the level 3 course. Some of the screen shots, like before, were supplied by college. Others are directly from my finished products.slide9

Here I am adding to the ‘About me’ page and, at the moment, there does not appear to be a reasonable amount. However, as this is more of a hypothetical website project I did not feel I had to note down everything ‘About me’. It was more about outlining my aspirations and intentions.slide10

And here I changing the set-out of the projects page where past projects are discussed and analysed. As you can see I have also expanded the design and overall layout to achieve the full screen display of the webpages for when it is previewed.

Overall, there were not many problems whilst producing this website besides the initial confusion with the page layout being too small when previewed. This problem was soon recognized and taken care of.