Throughout the first term on this course I have learned many new skills whilst, simultaneously, building on some I already had. For example, operating cameras; I already had some experience handling cameras and camera-based equipment due to projects at home and the previous place of education. However, having been introduced to different models of cameras, and the individual features which better the quality of shots, I believe I have gained more confidence in using the equipment to translate my ideas into a piece of work at a slightly more professional standard. I have learned how the F.Stop can better the quality of shooting and how opening and closing the aperture can help you achieve a dramatic change in brightness and, overall, greater control over the final look.

I also believe my editing skills have advanced more working on the first term of this course; before I did not always think to explore certain areas of software and since having lessons dedicated to editing projects we had worked on I believe I have been able to consider and even go forward in exploring certain tools I had not thought to use before. I believe that I have bettered my communication skills as on the previous course a large proportion of the work was independent and so you did not mix into groups often on projects. Whilst on this course I have been able to share ideas with others on the course and accumulate our ideas before translating them into a piece of work. I can safely say a feel a lot more comfortable talking with the others about ideas now as apposed to when I first started on the course.

I have even learned more about sound recording equipment and how to use such tools as the Morantz kit. Beforehand, when making films, I would simply use camera audio and, though aware that industry-based there are external sound recordings, continued on with this method even when it costed me high quality sound and understandable dialogue. I now know the process you have to undergo to achieve both exceptional video and audio and how labeling each individual take is absolutely paramount.

Of course, more recently, I took part in the live TV studio shoot where I undertook the role of the director working alongside the vision mixer. These were the two roles which required a lot of your attention as well as creativity and initiative. After the first few practice lesson in the TV studio I believe I finally came to terms with how everything was set out and now feel a lot more confident in using the surroundings in the TV studio and my own creativity to achieve a smooth running interview or, in general, a live event. As a whole, I grew more aware of the codes and conventions of a live studio event and combined all of that knowledge with prior knowledge I had about live-shot events.

For the most part, during the first term, I was building on what I already knew and, although some think it is better to learn things you were completely unaware about beforehand, I believe that building on my prior knowledge was just as rewarding. Knowing how to operate cameras is always key when wanting to move into such a job role as I wish to. In this case it is a director; although you may not be operating cameras you still have to understand how they work and what you can and cannot achieve with them. From here you leave room for your own creativity. Understanding sound is also helpful for when wanting to be a director as you have to know what you want from the final project; do you want the audience to feel immersed in your fictional world or do you want them to feel uneasy as a scene reaches a tense moment? So, knowing how the audio can be captured and even knowing what effects you can create in using certain methods of audio capture you are also making room for creativity and even room for others to share their ideas with you.

Sometimes it is better to share ideas rather than simply go forward with just the one. Of course, you cannot have exceptional team work without an exceptional amount of communicating with others so it is extremely important to develop communicating skills to reach such roles as the one I intend to. I do believe I have developed my communication skills to a higher standard and am truly happy with the first term of college.